Stray Cat Troupe is a core group of friendly role-players that connect on discord. We offer a wide variety of different species options, story ideas, and rich lore. We get together via Discord to plot out scenarios that are entertaining to play and write stories in tandem that include plot line established by a moderator.

Online role-playing has been around since the days of AOL, and has thrived as a creative way to participate in some entertaining story telling. The acts described in play are fiction and are not reflections of any of the personal belief systems of anyone participating.

We are excited that you're interested in our little game, and we'd love to invite you to come in, check out the lore, and decide for yourself if you think our small community would be a good fit for you.

I believe that establishing expectations is important to building a repoire with potential new players. We are a small group. This means that we aren't as active as big story lines. We do have daily interactions on discord, but actual writing does not happen every day.

All of our members are adults (18+) and we adhere to a strict no minors rule as some of the themes of our play can be inappropriate for children. We operate a lot on a trust system when it comes to the playing of powers in this story line. Going around playing your character as a mass murderer who kills everyone else's characters isn't fun, so we simply expect that you don't do it.

Please, read through the rules before joining our discord server. Discord is a requirement of this story line as we no longer play anything on message board.
Trigger Warning: This storyline includes a lot of triggering subject material such as slavery, violence, bloodletting, abuse, misogyny, prostitution and many other graphic themes that may be offensive. We do not condone any of these things in real life. This is merely for fictional conflict and that is it. If you find these too graphic or triggering, please do not read on and/or join.

The use of celebrity pictures are intended as fictional representations of what a character might look like. They in no way, shape or form represent the actions or personalities of the persons depicted. We have no claim to the pictures and use them only as a referance. We hold no creative property to them. We do not claim to be them. If any image on on this site is in use that you own the creative properties to, please, contact admin and we will remove it immediately.

All lore posted on this site was written by T.Dahm and she holds the creative properties to all of it. All rights in and to any content written by T.Dahm, or imported, copied or uploaded onto this website, including any compositions, text, literary works and any other materials (“Content”), or otherwise have (and will continue to have) the full power, title, licenses, consents and authority, in and to the User Content, as necessary to legally access to, import, copy, use, publish, transfer or license such User Content, are solely retained by T.Dahm.

In other words, don't commit purgery under law.